Year: 2020

The True Face of Socialism – Not Pretty

Let us discuss why socialists and socialism are so bad. What is it about socialism and communism that I despise? Let’s level-set and revisit a few definitions. Socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods (socialism, n.d.). Socialism: a […]

The Party System: There is Another Way

Have you ever given any real thought to the party system? Have you ever wondered why things continue to get worse? A reader contacted me with the following. “I often wonder why, out of the 327 million people in America and the billions spent in Post-Secondary schools, you have the choices for president that you […]

Strategic Planning – Strategy 101

Formulating a strategic plan can be difficult for some leaders and organizations. This can be for several reasons but likely includes not being confident in knowing all of the facts or not being able to cause & effect something out to a logical conclusion. I want to help. Here are a few things to remember […]

Breaking Down Ethical Reasoning

I think it’s essential to articulate the importance and implication of ethical reasoning for today’s leaders. Specifically, for several reasons, ethical reasoning is critical regarding leader/follower theory. I believe that a leader must be able to speak to and answer ethical questions concerning judgments of right and wrong, good and bad, as well as matters […]

Hire New or Develop Existing? A Leadership Dilemma

The Senior Manager says: “What if we train and develop our people, and then they leave us?” The CEO says: “What if we don’t train them, and they stay?“ No doubt you have seen this meme circulating in recent years. It’s true, though. It’s also very insightful. Think about the mindset of an organization that […]