When it comes to health and fitness, nutrition and activity form the foundation of well-being. If you follow my work, you will likely notice that I tend to focus on nutrition. That’s because an increasing body of evidence suggests that nutrition should be the primary focus, making up approximately 80% of one’s overall health efforts, […]
In my opinion, leadership is one of the most discussed and misunderstood topics in modern discourse. Every day, social media platforms seem to be flooded with well-meaning but ultimately superficial slogans and oversimplified advice claiming to unlock the secrets of great leadership. “A leader serves first,” “Put others before all else – including yourself,” or […]
A recent conversation with a friend compelled me to write this article. I want to share with you what I told him about corruption and oversight. Look, the “machine” wants you to believe that the real issue with recent government audits and investigations isn’t about corruption or incompetence—it’s procedural overreach. The argument goes like this: […]
I received a great email from a reader who asked a series of rather profound questions. I thought it might make a great article. The email read, “Dr. Dave! I read your article on the collusion of power. Great article! But I’ve done some research on the matter, and unfortunately, I continually find conflicting information. […]
Charles Darwin once said, “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.” In other words, people who know little often appear more confident than those who are more informed. This observation connects with two important psychological phenomena: the Dunning-Kruger Effect and impostor syndrome. I find this particularly interesting because most would likely suggest that both […]
Physical inactivity has emerged as one of the most significant threats to public health in the modern era. According to a recent University of Iowa study, sedentary lifestyles are associated with an increased risk of at least 19 chronic conditions, including depression, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. By examining over 40,000 patient records, researchers have provided […]
The global economy is undergoing seismic shifts. Unfortunately, and from everything that I have seen, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. From inflation eroding purchasing power to changes in the labor market driven by technology, these shifts are proactively reshaping how we work, invest, and save. Recent analyses, such as Philip Pilkington’s […]
In an age marked by conformity and groupthink, independent thought becomes a revolutionary act. Your thoughts matter. However, we live in a society that seems to be carefully designed to keep us compliant, distracted, and stagnant. Whether by design or by accident, that’s a problem because true progress begins with knowledge, critical thought, and action. […]
If you had to choose one, which would you rather be: Empowered or Safe? In recent years, the call for “safe spaces” has grown louder in workplaces, schools, and social environments alike. Sure, on the surface, a safe space sounds nice—a place where individuals can feel shielded from harm or distress, both physical and emotional. […]
Every once in a while, I like to share recipes with my readers. Today, I have a pretty good for you. When it comes to health food, few dishes match the comforting and nutritionally rich experience of a meticulously crafted beef soup. Today, I am excited to unveil my “Restorative Beef Medley” creation, designed specifically […]