Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Considerations

Things you may not have known, things you may not have thought about or simply things or perspectives to consider.

A Forecast of Collapse Based on History

There is an ‘Echo of Empires’ that we should be mindful of. Indeed, history repeats, providing essential insights into our present and future. I’ll just be blunt and say that the United States is not immune from the cycles of history, nor the political manipulations that ensure their continuation. Sure, we could compare the United […]

The Puppet Masters of Collusion of Power

American politics is often painted as a battleground between the left and right, each side accusing the other of being the source of societal woes. However, in many ways, this dichotomy is really nothing short of a distraction from a more insidious alliance: the collusion between corrupt politicians, big banks, mega-corporations, and the institutions (and […]

Mass Epistemic Rigidity: Tearing Ourselves Apart

The recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has merely demonstrated how deep-seated cognitive biases and social dynamics can shape how individuals interpret and respond to information. In many ways, this situation provides us with a stark illustration of what I’m now calling Mass Epistemic Rigidity. Indeed, this article runs the risk of being […]

An Important Lesson on Cognitive Biases

In an unusual incident that unfolded in Lee County, Florida, a woman was apprehended after she attempted to steal a car and, in a bizarre twist, called 911 to report her own crime. The woman believed that by informing the police of her intentions, she could somehow render the theft legal. This peculiar behavior highlights […]

The Consequences of a War Against Men

We’ve all seen the memes, marches, protests, and videos. The theme is that men are terrible. The patriarchy must fall. Feminism is the solution. Who needs men? The future is female. Men must pay! Ban men. Men are simps. Women rule! Etc. There seems to be a war against men being waged. However, that may […]

Thought Leadership Lost in a Sea of Repetition

Lately, I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone! In a week spent on social media (especially LinkedIn), one can’t help but notice a multitude of self-proclaimed “thought leaders” echoing identical sentiments. This phenomenon begs the question: how can supposedly original thinkers share the exact same ideas all the time? The truth lies in plain […]

The Erosion of Foundational Values is the Threat

At the core of every society lie foundational values: the bedrock principles, beliefs, and norms that define its identity and guide the behavior of its members. For centuries, these values have shaped the ethos of nations, providing a sense of continuity, unity, and purpose. This point is logical and likely makes sense to most. However, […]

Manipulating Chaos for Political Gain

The challenge of overlooking history lies in the risk of failing to discern the recurring patterns that it reveals. I have provided several articles on this phenomenon over the years, but there is another pattern that we should probably discuss. It is a pattern of tyrants and authoritarians and how they manipulate chaos for political […]

The Complex Domestic Threat of China

Some seem confused about the potential threats that China poses to our great nation. Indeed, this is a complex topic, but we need some foundational understanding to help us truly appreciate the potential danger. Recently, I have been presented with several questions regarding this situation. As far as I’m concerned, if one person asks, many […]

Is Another Civil War Inevitable?

Civil War has been in the news quite a bit lately – both domestically and abroad. Prominent names and media outlets repeatedly discuss the possibility. Those on the Left and Right provide their reasoning, ranging from which president is your favorite to the situation unfolding between Israel and Palestine. However, the overall rationale and outcome […]