Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: Bill of Rights

Care About Your Rights? Let’s Talk About It

Let me make something abundantly clear: an unalienable or natural right naturally exists in the absence of authority and does not inherently infringe upon the rights of another. It does not matter your race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or anything else because these things do not change in the absence of authority. What they teach […]

A Tyrannical Government – Really?

What are all these cries about tyrannical government? Why are others saying the government is NOT tyrannical? People seem confused. Do people even know what tyranny is? To understand this topic’s depths, we must break down the terms. By definition, tyranny is a cruel and oppressive government or rule (Merriam-Webster, Tyranny). “Oppressive” means very unpleasant […]

Truths about Laws and Their Enforcement

You have probably heard many conservatives recite “Land of the Free – Home of the Brave.” I find it curious. Would you really call us a Free or Brave nation at this point? Think about how many laws there are. Do you know how many laws are on the books? Do not feel bad if […]

Is There Really A Police State?

Do you feel as though law enforcement enforces unconstitutional laws? Do law enforcement officers seem a little overzealous in exercising their perceived authority? What do you feel when you see a cop behind you? Chances are that the majority of you will answer these questions in a negative light. This even includes those who currently […]

The Bill of Rights – Consider This

So let us explore some of our most precious Rights here in the United States. We can do that by simply examining the Bill of Rights. Amendment  I—Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the […]