When the sick are told to put their lives in the hands of someone unqualified to treat them, we know there is a problem. When the healthcare industry is complicit in the situation, we know there is a crisis. Nevertheless, this is the reality of the current health model. A fundamental change is necessary, and […]
Beware of Some Medical Doctors
Let me say that I believe that there are some great medical doctors in the world today. Some doctors seem to go out of their way to help their patients and are fully committed to their mission as a doctor. Some expand on their current knowledge by seeking new ideas and concepts regarding medicine. Some […]
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24 Min
Major Causes of Death The Media Won’t Tell You
In light of some of the recent news about firearms and other major causes of death, I thought I would take a little bit to dig into some of the recent data and see what (if anything) has changed since last year. Referencing sources such as the FBI, the CDC, and peer-reviewed journals, I have […]
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5 Min