Tag: government

Mass Epistemic Rigidity: Tearing Ourselves Apart

The recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has merely demonstrated how deep-seated cognitive biases and social dynamics can shape how individuals interpret and respond to information. In many ways, this situation provides us with a stark illustration of what I’m now calling Mass Epistemic Rigidity. Indeed, this article runs the risk of being […]

Epistemic Rigidity in Law Enforcement

Officers in law enforcement and security often face complex and rapidly evolving situations requiring up-to-date knowledge and flexible thinking. However, like many professionals, law enforcement officers can fall prey to cognitive biases that make it difficult to update their knowledge and practices. This phenomenon, known as Epistemic Rigidity, can significantly impact their effectiveness, adherence to […]

The Erosion of Foundational Values is the Threat

At the core of every society lie foundational values: the bedrock principles, beliefs, and norms that define its identity and guide the behavior of its members. For centuries, these values have shaped the ethos of nations, providing a sense of continuity, unity, and purpose. This point is logical and likely makes sense to most. However, […]

Manipulating Chaos for Political Gain

The challenge of overlooking history lies in the risk of failing to discern the recurring patterns that it reveals. I have provided several articles on this phenomenon over the years, but there is another pattern that we should probably discuss. It is a pattern of tyrants and authoritarians and how they manipulate chaos for political […]

The Complex Domestic Threat of China

Some seem confused about the potential threats that China poses to our great nation. Indeed, this is a complex topic, but we need some foundational understanding to help us truly appreciate the potential danger. Recently, I have been presented with several questions regarding this situation. As far as I’m concerned, if one person asks, many […]

Society Lies And Confuses

It’s common for us to be influenced by societal norms and expectations. We often allow others to determine what is considered “cool” or acceptable, forgetting that everyone has unique preferences. Unfortunately, this can result in a lack of individuality and even judgment toward those who don’t fit the mold. I think it’s time to challenge […]

The Adversity Nexus: The Danger of Safety

The “Adversity Nexus,” also known as “Robertson’s Cycle,” is a comprehensive model that outlines the interconnected stages governing the rise and decline of individuals, organizations, and nation-states. The model emphasizes the interplay between adversity, leadership, growth, abundance, safety, and the potential pitfalls of focusing excessively on security. The key stages of the Adversity Nexus are […]

Will The United States Collapse?

The United States is currently faced with economic hardships and the potential for global war. Match this with compelling historical cycles of global power shifts, historical cycles of economic upheaval and war, and things begin to look a little grim for America. At the same time, our nation seems divided more than ever, and few […]

Essential Qualities of Great Leaders Per Machiavelli

Machiavelli’s The Prince is an insightful piece meant to demonstrate the fragility of power. In that, Machiavelli provides a slew of qualities of both evil and great leaders. However, several stand out as essential for all great leaders to understand. Furthermore, such perspectives can be used in various settings after even a little critical reflection. […]

Ayn Rand Was Right All Along

Are you familiar with Ayn Rand? If not, perhaps you should be. Regardless, I want to share some ideas I have pulled from her work. What is a businessman? Is it merely a man who works in business or commerce? The book Atlas Shrugged presents characters such as Hank Rearden, James, and Dagny Taggart, as […]