Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: tax

Ayn Rand Was Right All Along

Are you familiar with Ayn Rand? If not, perhaps you should be. Regardless, I want to share some ideas I have pulled from her work. What is a businessman? Is it merely a man who works in business or commerce? The book Atlas Shrugged presents characters such as Hank Rearden, James, and Dagny Taggart, as […]

Changing the Institution of Tax

Nobody likes to talk about taxes, but we should. What do we do if bias is rampant at the IRS and political targeting is a fact? The simple answer—tear down the institution. Well, what if we could replace it with something substantially better? Remember, the Declaration of Independence states, “That whenever any Form of Government […]

Uncomfortable Truths About Taxation

Let’s talk about taxation for a moment. Many people in this country are distraught, and with good reason. Yet, it seems that only exposure, education, and context separate the vast majority as to why. However, there are some common threads that we should be looking at. Take taxes, for instance. I hate using the phrase […]