Nobody likes to talk about taxes, but we should. What do we do if bias is rampant at the IRS and political targeting is a fact? The simple answer—tear down the institution. Well, what if we could replace it with something substantially better? Remember, the Declaration of Independence states, “That whenever any Form of Government […]
A Tyrannical Government – Really?
What are all these cries about tyrannical government? Why are others saying the government is NOT tyrannical? People seem confused. Do people even know what tyranny is? To understand this topic’s depths, we must break down the terms. By definition, tyranny is a cruel and oppressive government or rule (Merriam-Webster, Tyranny). “Oppressive” means very unpleasant […]
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22 Min
Globalism and the Scary Twist
The idea of globalism is similar to (and sometimes attached to) socialism but comes with a darker context and a scarier selling point. This article aims to simplify a few points so it is easier to understand. There will be parts that could be expanded upon, but I have chosen not to do this for […]
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40 Min