In a crisis, access to clean water is one of the most critical concerns for survival. Unlike food, water is not something you can do without for long, and the consequences of inadequate planning can be severe. This article will outline the essential steps to procure and store water during a crisis, focusing on appropriate […]
PARASITES – Things to Consider
Parasites are an unfortunate part of life. For those with animals, this is not news. However, did you know that parasites can be an issue for humans, too? Unfortunately, they can, and many people are unaware of this fact, which means they also might not know how to guard against them. As you may already […]
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15 Min
Your Choice In Water Matters: Learn More
Did you know that water is important? Of course, you did. But did you know that sometimes water can be bad? Our bodies are made up of about 60% water. You might have heard the recommendation that we need to consume about eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. I am sure you already knew […]
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19 Min