Category: Considerations

Things you may not have known, things you may not have thought about or simply things or perspectives to consider.

Embracing Knowledge and Technology for Liberty

Friends, it seems to me that we are at an interesting crossroads in history. However, many don’t know or appreciate where we came from, and most have no idea where we should be heading. This results in a feeling of being lost or confused. Moreover, most lack the necessary contexts and knowledge to make informed […]

Unveiling Historical Patterns

A Potential Forecast of Shifting Economies, Wars, and Prosperity In light of recent events, I have received numerous requests to share a little more about my projection model / strategic forecast model. Please understand that my reluctance to share has not been about hiding anything. Instead, I just don’t want my readers to panic or […]

ChatGPT on Mass Shootings

Can ChatGPT teach us anything about mass shootings? Perhaps it can. I had an interesting conversation with ChatGPT about that very topic that I thought I might share with you. In the wake of the Nashville school shooting, where Audrey Hale had attacked a Christian academy and killed six people (including three children), some individuals […]

ChatGPT is No Health Expert

A calculator is a fantastic tool. However, it’s really sort of worthless unless you understand how to do the math in the first place. The numbers you get ultimately mean nothing unless you understand what you are either typing in or expecting to get out. This means that you need to know something about what […]

Will The United States Collapse?

The United States is currently faced with economic hardships and the potential for global war. Match this with compelling historical cycles of global power shifts, historical cycles of economic upheaval and war, and things begin to look a little grim for America. At the same time, our nation seems divided more than ever, and few […]

Care About Your Rights? Let’s Talk About It

Let me make something abundantly clear: an unalienable or natural right naturally exists in the absence of authority and does not inherently infringe upon the rights of another. It does not matter your race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or anything else because these things do not change in the absence of authority. What they teach […]

Ayn Rand Was Right All Along

Are you familiar with Ayn Rand? If not, perhaps you should be. Regardless, I want to share some ideas I have pulled from her work. What is a businessman? Is it merely a man who works in business or commerce? The book Atlas Shrugged presents characters such as Hank Rearden, James, and Dagny Taggart, as […]

Native American Truths You Probably Didn’t Know

Let’s discuss the popular misconception regarding Native American origins. We have all heard the narrative about how the United States was built on genocide and slavery and how Native Americans were the original Founding Fathers. What if I told you that these statements are absolutely, totally, and utterly false? What if I told you that […]

And to the Republic, for which it stood

I want to start this article with an excerpt from the notes of Dr. James McHenry, a delegate at the Constitutional Convention. On page 618 of the American Historical Review (vol. 11, 1906), there was an anecdote that reads: “A lady asked Dr. Franklin; “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” […]

Truths About White Slavery

White Slavery? Many have never heard of such a thing. This is one history lesson you will not get in most schools today. Of course, this will not discuss the hundreds of thousands of slaves that exist today in the United States. If you are interested in learning more about that, you can review this […]