Category: Security & Safety

Personal and professional security related ideas

Rethinking Security Barriers

There are really only two ways to prevent malevolent actions; one is to deter your adversary, and the other is to defeat your adversary. Today we are going to focus on deterring via barriers. It should be noted that some of the topics discussed will not be ideal for all properties or price ranges. So, […]

Low Cost DIY Home Security

Let’s be honest, unless you have a fortified compound, and perhaps even then, if someone REALLY wants to get into your home, with a bit of time… they will, unless they are deterred by whatever measures you already have in place. But that’s what security is all about: time and deterrence! The good news is […]

Survive an Active Shooter

We live in an increasingly hostile world. Television and social media make us increasingly aware of the possibility of being caught in an active shooter situation. Unfortunately, as economic and political hardships increase, acts of violence and crime will also increase. Here are some things to know if you are in an active shooter scenario. […]

Should We Trust Authority?

Our nation was built upon an intrinsic and rather profound distrust of authority. Over the years, this attitude changed. However, this attitude might be making a comeback. Should we trust authority? I was speaking with an active duty military member of 16 years recently. We discussed trust and the importance of trust regarding authority and […]

Time to Get REAL on Immigration

I was recently asked why I am so against criminal immigration. Well, I could probably list over a hundred reasons, but a few things are worth mentioning. This is my rant. And perhaps I am a bit of a jerk on this one, but understand that it comes with a reason. The topic of immigration […]

Needed Change at the WORCC

The WORCC The Wichita Organized Retail Crime Coalition is an organization comprised of federal, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies working hand in hand with regional and local asset protection and loss prevention officers from the major retail establishments within various jurisdictions. Until 2010, the WORCC was a loosely organized group of retailers who […]

The Next Step in Dealing with Organized Retail Crime

There is a need for an expansion or overhaul regarding the communication expectation and allowance within the retail community and law enforcement. Organized Retail Crime (ORC) has become a massive threat that impacts not only the retailer but law enforcement and the community. It should be made a goal and continuing best practice to expand […]

Expert Testifies About the Right to Overthrow Government

Expert testifies about the right to overthrow the government? Sitting before a congressional committee, Michael Cannon (the Director of Health Policy Studies at the Cato Institute) hesitantly stated, “There is one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the constitution places on the government. Abraham […]

Terrorist Birth Houses on American Soil?

A confidential source, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity, has provided some shocking information that needs to be heard. In a small town on the East Coast, a local government worker has discovered something utterly disturbing. There are supposed birth houses starting to spring up once again in the United States. Our confidential […]