ChatGPT Just Changed Education


Technology integration in education has been a topic of much discussion in recent years. I believe that it is about to shift into overdrive. Technologies such as ChatGPT are going to make sure of it. As technology becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, it’s important to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks of using it in the classroom and to ensure that it is used in a way that is most beneficial to students.

We can see the impact of technology on education by looking back at how it has been incorporated in the past. Calculators, for example, were once not allowed in math class but are now often required. Technologies like Grammarly were once frowned upon by educators, but now many schools provide a free license for their students to use. Distance education, once viewed with skepticism, is now widely considered superior in many regards. It’s important to remember that the problem is often not with the technology itself but with its understanding of any potential applications – both good and bad.

For example, language model technology has the potential to create personalized learning experiences that adapt to a learner’s individual needs, abilities, and learning styles, as well as to improve critical thinking, argument structure, and communication skills. It can also serve as a tutor, providing extra support and guidance to struggling students or challenging those who are ready for more advanced material.

While this sounds great, it’s also important to consider the potential drawbacks. For example, while it is true that ChatGPT will help teachers automate the grading of written assignments, one has to wonder why a teacher would assign the writing assignment if the student can just have the bot write the paper in the first place. Some suggest that this technology will simply discourage students from putting forth the effort.

That is definitely a potential. However, in my view, adopting language model technology in education could ultimately lead to a positive shift in teaching approaches and result in deeper learning for students. In the past, students have often been taught to memorize and regurgitate material rather than truly understand and connect with it. This technology will make such methods obsolete (thankfully). Language models offer the potential to force a new approach that results in a more creative and engaging learning environment that encourages students to develop a stake in their education and fosters a deeper understanding of the material.

We cannot blame technology for the lack of learning taking place in the classroom. I have said it before, anyone can get up and stifle thought and creativity by demanding conformity and reciting something out of a book. The introduction of this technology is not so different. Teaching is an art form. It is the difference between learning and education. An awesome teacher helps the student connect with the material regardless of its presentation. Great teachers inspire thought and creativity, motivate critical reflection and help to foster an intrinsic desire to question everything. Awesome teachers and professors are rare. ChatGPT will merely expose them. I see this as a very good thing.

Again, I believe this technology will force educators to adapt their teaching styles to focus more on engaging students with the material and encouraging them to develop their own understanding of it. This may involve incorporating more class discussions that focus on the various applications of the lessons being learned rather than simply memorizing the material. By promoting critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the material, students will be better equipped to apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

The technology is here, and it will be a part of our collective future. Therefore, it is important to ensure that students have access to the technology and foster the creativity they will need to take advantage of its opportunities. However, this definitely requires an investment in training teachers on how to use it effectively in the classroom and how to foster creativity.

Of course, the warning here is that if this necessary shift does not occur, many schools might close, many teachers will be fired, and the ignorant will multiply. Warn your kids about ChatGPT and coach them on how to use it in a way that will enhance their education, not stifle it. Also, know that such technologies can be used in a way that complements rather than replaces the role of the teacher while also ensuring the opportunity for personal interaction and support in the learning process.

Do not fear this new technology. Respect it. Learn how to use it to your advantage. Adjust accordingly.

Leadership Is The Future

On a related note, as the use of AI systems becomes more prevalent in the business world, it is becoming increasingly important for leaders to have the skills necessary to direct these systems effectively. Traditional management techniques may not be sufficient in this context. Explore why leadership development may provide you with a strategic advantage moving forward by reading my LinkedIn article titled “Leadership Development in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Why Leadership Principles Matter.”
