Are You REALLY a Three Percenter?
You may have already read my article on what a Three Percenter is, but lately, I have been asked a few times, “how do you know if you are a Three Percenter”? So let me see if I can help. Let me provide you with well over 50 ways to tell whether or not you, or someone else, is a Threeper.
The part often missed by people (and probably the most critical part) is who Three Percenters are supposed to be modeled after. It’s one thing to say you will stand up and fight or wave a particular flag (when everyone else does). It is an entirely different thing altogether when you are engaged before the fight occurs. Of course, as you probably already know, the American Revolution was fought by roughly 3% of the colonists. Three Percenters are saying they are like that 3% of the colonists – IE: principled enough to do what is right when it is right. This is only part of the story, though. Three Percenters generally model themselves after what I like to call “The Founding Fighters.”
These “Founding Fighters” include guys like Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, Nathan Hale, John Hancock, Francis Marion, Richard Harry Lee, James Otis, and of course, Ethan Allen. Most Threepers know the stories of at least one of these men. This is why I say that Three Percenters are knowledgeable about things like history. Why is this important? It’s because you have to know about those you are modeling yourself after if you aim to model yourself after them. Kind of like how you cannot support and defend an idea (like the Constitution) if you do not know what the idea is. And NO, the 5th-grade education that brushes over these topics does not suffice.
Some of the Founding Fighters were already soldiers; some were just average citizens who finally had enough of the tyranny. These guys were smart, extremely principled, intellectual, brave, and guys who stopped at nothing regarding their cause. But again, these men acted long BEFORE the Revolution began. They spoke out, wrote papers and books, met in pubs, made speeches, identified enemies, tried to educate others, and could speak to the many issues in depth. These men had a broad but COMMON goal, and they did everything they could to see it come to fruition. In the fight, some gave up their families, their fortunes, and in some cases, even their lives for the cause. It is easy to see why so few can be Threepers.
Unfortunately… and statistically speaking, most people can’t be Threepers, which is too bad because this nation sure could use more. Not to say that most people don’t care or that they are not active somehow. It’s not even to say that they wouldn’t fight when the fighting began. It means that MANY Americans are still a little confused about who or what the real enemy is, where we need to go, and for what reasons. As a result, many are forced to wait to see what happens instead of being directly involved before the fight. Of course, it also means that we see many people following flawed ideologies or “leaders” without doing their research ahead of time. This explains the confusion, separation, lack of direction, and blurry goals.
For example, there are calls from some in the liberty movement for all kinds of things, including but not limited to burning the Constitution, a full-blown revolution, or even an Article 5, all for simple or arbitrary reasons and without addressing consequences and fallout. These ideas are counterproductive because few understand how things have got so bad, and many still confuse the Constitution with the current Government and believe the Constitution has somehow failed us. It becomes even more counterproductive when followers of these people perpetuate ignorance by claiming to want Constitutional liberty while spewing out inaccurate quotes or even contradictory quotes. For example, quotes from guys like Lysander Spooner, a man known for bad-mouthing the Constitution and a known member of the “First International.” For clarification, the First International was also known as the International Workingmen’s Association, a known socialist and communist organization comprised of the very same and included the very left-leaning anarchist and trade union groups.
A REAL Three Percenter would not subscribe to arbitrary ideas or follow those who do. Instead, a Threeper would (for instance) encourage people in the liberty movement to cease quoting Socialists and Communists altogether, mainly because we know that socialist or communist directions beget socialist or communist destinations. Once again, this is just for example, as there are plenty to choose from.
In general, Threepers are Threepers because they are NOT the masses. They are not “hot-heads” seeking a fight and are definitely not socialists. Being a Threeper is more of a Constitutional lifestyle with a firm adherence to the idea that governments should not control every aspect of a person’s life and that “A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse…” (Thomas Jefferson December 20, 1787). Threepers research things before just going along with them.
Threepers are different because they choose to be. Threepers care about and love the Constitution; they study, train, involve others, and prepare. Threepers value family, liberty, unalienable rights, Constitutionally Authorized Government operating under Constitutionally Authorized Functions, and true equality. Threepers know that we are all born equal, but where we go or end up is based on choice and that much of it boils down to personal responsibility, not government intervention. Threepers understand that we all have the right to pursue happiness, but they also know it’s not handed to us. Probably most important, Threepers know that freedom is not free.
Threepers also understand that “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer (Thomas Paine – Common Sense. 1776)”. Basically, Threepers have a strong indication of where exactly the intolerable line has been crossed and how it all turned into tyranny. They also know that the people not only allowed it to begin with but continue to allow it by remaining silent or anonymous. And yes, they understand that we all collectively fund its continuance. The good news? They aim to rectify the situation… but aim to do so the right way. A fight should always be a last resort!
But this still doesn’t answer the question. So how do you know if you are a Three Percenter? Try to understand that being a Three Percenter (Threeper, 3%, 3 Percenter, etc.) is more of an idea than anything else, but some clues will help you figure it out. What follows is NOT all-encompassing or even an extensive listing of clues. Instead, these are merely just a few of the many indicators.
You MIGHT BE A Threeper If…
- You have actually read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the REASONS listed in the Declaration of Independence and understand the gravity of the situation we currently face and what it all really means.
2. You swore an oath or pledged allegiance to our Republic and Constitution and meant it, even if that means something uncomfortable for you personally.
3. You know the definition of, appreciate and stand by the term “Unalienable.”
4. You continue to study and learn as much as you can about the founders, their documents, their intentions, and their reasons. You also look up quotes to verify their authenticity before spewing them to another.
5. You oppose the central bank and the party system and can speak to the reason why that is important.
6. You willingly defend the rights of those you oppose in ideology.
7. You believe that the intellectual battle should always come before the physical one.
8. You are one whose actions speak louder than the words you use, but understand the importance of using the words before you act.
9. Similarly; you are one who lives by your words and understands what “honor” is.
10. You know the difference between a “Republic” and “Democracy”.
11. You believe that liberty should never have to wait for the majority.
12. You know and understand the point behind Marbury v. Madison.
13. You know and understand the point behind Pollock v. Farmers Loan Trust Co.
14. You understand that true Constitutional defenders don’t always wear uniforms, but that some do.
15. You don’t expect to be a part of the “majority” or to have many at your side.
16. Would rather die free than live as a slave.
17. You oppose unconstitutional Amendments
18. You can recite the spirit of and support the 10th Amendment – and also know your state Constitution.
19. You know and understand why the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is relevant to the conversation.
20. You know about Ethan Allen and his role in the Green Mountain Boys, the Onion River Company, and the Westminster massacre. OR – you may have studied other Founding Fighters in great depth.
21. You know why Woodrow Wilson is an enemy to the Constitution and why his influence is cancer to our nation.
22. You know that there is more to being prepared for life or what is coming than having a gun.
23. You know the REAL reason behind the Civil War.
24. You are not afraid to speak out about important issues and let yourself be seen.
25. You are clean in your mind and body.
With all that being said… there is still more. You are probably NOT a Three Percenter if…
- You believe that the United States is a Christian Nation
2. You still hold that there is a difference between a Democrat and a Republican and don’t understand why Washington warned us about the party system.
3. You can justify Constitutional infringements for the sake of security.
4. You have ever sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution but have never read it.
5. You do not hold the Constitution as paramount.
6. You believe that this nation is, or ever was a “Democracy”.
7. You believe that the Constitution does not have “teeth“.
8. You think Article 4 Section 4 has something to do with the GOP.
9. You feel that the Federal Government should have power over the States.
10. You believe that certain unalienable rights can be taken away.
11. You support entitlements.
12. You support criminal immigration.
13. You think FDR did it right.
14. You support the global pursuit of any monster.
15. You are not familiar with Posse Comitatus.
16. You believe that “One Nation Under God” or “In God We Trust” were foundational phrases.
17. You cannot recite the spirit of each of the Bill of Rights – or don’t know what the Bill of Rights is.
18. You are unaware of who Anthony Johnson, John Punch, and Crispus Attucks are, and do not understand the significance of their historic roles.
19. You are a racist, a religionist, or a sexist. (etc)
20. You believe that any policy, executive order, or law should or can override the Constitution in some cases.
21. You are not familiar with the term “Constitutionally Authorized“.
22. You believe that the Federal Reserve is a Government Institution.
23. You would prefer to disarm everyone in an attempt to keep others safe.
24. You believe that the Patriot Act was a step in the right direction.
25. You believe that opposing government directives or initiatives is unpatriotic.
The funny thing is that this is a shortlist. As I write this, I am thinking about a couple dozen more listings I could add in either column. It is rather basic, though: Threepers knows that those who oppose or have no love for our founding documents are enemies of this nation. Furthermore, a Threeper knows that many who have been tasked with defending these documents refuse to do so for various reasons. As a result, a Threeper feels compelled to do the job for everyone’s sake but understands the importance of prudence and patience.
A Threeper wants to be the one standing in defense of these documents when no one else will. A Threeper intends to fight for these documents when others cower away in that defense. Most Threepers share a common hope. But most important, a Threeper wants to do all this responsibly to ensure that they are around to either share the importance of these documents with others, to be available for the fight, or have the physical ability to do either.
Yes… it thins the herd pretty quickly, but that’s the point. The good news is that now you have a general idea of which direction you need to go to become one, or perhaps more things you can do to solidify your current status. Now that we’ve reached the end, I want to say that this article was meant to stir your soul. I hope it worked.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat – Virtutis Gloria Merces
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