Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: firearms

Best Ammo For Home Defense

Recently, I found myself in a discussion regarding the best types of ammo for home defense. The discussion largely centered around full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets and hollow points. Indeed, the differences should be considered, so I thought I might share a few things to think about. When it comes to home defense, choosing whether […]

The Power to Protect – OURSELVES

One right sticks out more than most when considering an Amendment’s possible controversy. This, of course, is Amendment II, the right to protect ourselves. There seems to be some confusion about the limits of this amendment and perhaps how it applies. This article should help alleviate any such controversy and explain what should be the […]

The Militia: A Few Words and Things to Consider

Perception is a substantial piece of the overall picture, sometimes, I suppose. I was doing some research lately and stumbled upon a website called TRAC – or Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, an interesting site that helps shed light on targets of interest and perhaps even responsible parties regarding terrorist activities. However, as I scrolled […]

Is It Time To Talk About Gun Laws Yet?

It took only minutes before people began to exploit the tragedy in Las Vegas for their political agendas regarding gun laws. It’s so unfortunate, too, because instead of finding solutions for real problems, stupidity was spread to the ignorant that follow. As a result, many good people whose hearts may be in the right spot […]

Let’s See How I Did With Projection

As some of you are already aware, in college, I developed something I ended up calling “The Three Rule Method.” This technique allows me to narrow down the best possible solution to a given problem, in the shortest period of time, with the greatest possibility of being correct. Eventually, I figured out how to apply […]

U.S. vs. Castleman

In 2009, a man named James Castleman was charged with violating federal gun laws when he was caught with firearms. Why did he “lose” this right in the first place? He pleaded guilty in 2001 to causing “bodily injury” to the mother of his child. Flash forward a bit; Castleman decided to fight it, and […]