Category: Leadership

Leadership ideas and considerations

Defining Your Leadership Traits and Theories

Introduction Leadership is more than just traits or behaviors to emulate. The Oxford Dictionary defines leadership as the action of leading a group of people or an organization or the state or position of being a leader (Waite, 2012). Technically, this is correct. However, this definition is just a starting point of what leadership is. […]

30 Great Leadership Books for Leadership Pros

Are you serious about your leadership abilities and skills? Looking for some great leadership books to gain insight or improve? Well, if you are going to spend your time and money reading about leadership, then choose wisely. Consuming inaccurate information will undoubtedly result in a flawed or less-than-awesome outcome. Don’t risk it! I am often […]

Strategic Planning – Strategy 101

Formulating a strategic plan can be difficult for some leaders and organizations. This can be for several reasons but likely includes not being confident in knowing all of the facts or not being able to cause & effect something out to a logical conclusion. I want to help. Here are a few things to remember […]

Breaking Down Ethical Reasoning

I think it’s essential to articulate the importance and implication of ethical reasoning for today’s leaders. Specifically, for several reasons, ethical reasoning is critical regarding leader/follower theory. I believe that a leader must be able to speak to and answer ethical questions concerning judgments of right and wrong, good and bad, as well as matters […]

Hire New or Develop Existing? A Leadership Dilemma

The Senior Manager says: “What if we train and develop our people, and then they leave us?” The CEO says: “What if we don’t train them, and they stay?“ No doubt you have seen this meme circulating in recent years. It’s true, though. It’s also very insightful. Think about the mindset of an organization that […]

A Leadership Lesson About Change in Higher Education

In her paper titled Change in Higher Education: Not Enough, or Too Much? Adrianna Kezar explores the many elements that both encourage and impede change regarding higher education as a whole. Her analysis demonstrates the obstacles colleges of all sizes will continually have to hurdle while providing suggestions on how to overcome these obstacles moving […]

Does Money Make the Leader?

Recently, I was having a conversation about the making of great leaders. During that conversation, I was told: “I don’t have enough money to be a leader.” That comment confused me at first. It got me thinking about the prospect of “creating” a leader and whether money can play a part. While probably not the […]

Perception of Leadership

Time and time again, I am asked: “What do you think makes a great leader?” I’m here to tell you that the answer is often relative. I mean, wouldn’t that be based on your perception? Of course, it would. Great leadership can be hard to wrap your head around when you factor in the “other […]

Leadership Development Strategies

I help many people try to figure out better organizational and personal leadership strategies. One of the many things that I teach my students is that there is no difference between life and leadership and that if you can master one, you can probably master the other. Of course, I also teach them that every […]

Leadership and Cybersecurity

Not long ago, I stumbled upon an article in the Harvard Business Review by Alex Blau. In it, he suggested that the leaders of organizations needed to change their perspective on cybersecurity and focus more on risk management. I couldn’t agree more. Whether you are a leader inside an IT department or the leader of an […]