Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Undiagnosed Male Genitourinary Conditions


If you are suffering from undiagnosed epididymitis, orchitis, urethritis, or some other form of male genitourinary pain or issue, then you have come to the right place.

NOTE: If you feel that you might have one of these conditions but have not yet seen a doctor, it is highly recommended that you see a physician immediately to rule out other genitourinary conditions that have similar symptoms and come with horrible consequences if left untreated.

The ideal reader for this article will have the following:

  • Some issues regarding the genitourinary system that is deeper than the urethra (IE: epididymitis, orchitis, prostatitis, etc.)
  • Already been to at least a couple of doctors for their condition.
  • Tested negative for known bacterial infections.
  • You’ve been turned away (no infection, all in your head, nothing I can do, etc.).
  • Tried antibiotics that the doctor provided, but they failed.
  • Have had genitourinary symptoms of discomfort or pain for at least three months.

If this sounds like you, you’ll likely get quite a bit out of this.

Note: If you feel you are dealing with an emergency, go get help immediately, and DO NOT rely on internet searches in place of “competent” medical advice.

Let me start with the idea that you are not alone. In the United States, hundreds of thousands of men suffer from some genitourinary condition. Of course, the cause varies. Sadly enough, in many cases, doctors cannot diagnose it, and in too many cases, cures are not found. Let’s see if we can fix that.

First, let’s talk briefly about what we DO know about these genitourinary conditions.

  • Many chronic genitourinary conditions have NOT been investigated as thoroughly as acute conditions. This tells us that doctors don’t know nearly as much about these conditions as they could.
  • Most cases of genitourinary conditions are caused by bacterial infection from a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmissible infection (STI) such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. This is why you want to rule these out first by seeing your doctor and getting the appropriate tests.
  • Chronic genitourinary conditions may present only with pain (or so they think). Many times, doctors will test and test (using standard tests), but they just can’t find the bacteria responsible for the infection. As a result, they will tell you that no infection is present.
  • Chronic genitourinary conditions develop slowly. However, “slowly” is a relative term. Understand that it really depends on the circumstances. Sometimes, the infection starts rapidly, but its progression into other conditions happens slowly. Every situation is going to be different, and you need to be careful about the things you accept about your situation.
  • Chronic genitourinary conditions might be confused with other conditions due to the abundance of pain or due to the spread of the infection. For example, orchitis is sometimes confused with epididymitis.

A Little Background

Since I first wrote about epididymitis in 2015, I have had numerous men reach out to me for clarity and help regarding various genitourinary issues. This is a big part of why this article has been updated and revised many times. However, this has been an amazing gift because, thanks to the hundreds of men willing to share their stories with me, I have been able to establish some interesting commonalities among quite a few of them, and I have come up with some pretty good options to consider. The shocking part for me was that most of these men had very similar stories. The most common elements were…

  • Unprotected sex (usually oral) with a partner dealing with “a cold” or chest infection
  • It started with slight to moderate discomfort or pain in the urethra
  • Semen eventually changed color to variants of yellow or green
  • Testicle Pain (usually) on one side (right or left)
  • Repeated tests showed negative for STD/STI’s
  • The pain progressed, and seemingly unrelated symptoms occurred.

We should note that NOT ALL genitourinary conditions are the result of a pathogen, and this is something to keep in mind when talking to your doctor. Sometimes, it’s due to injury, chemicals, or something else that we don’t fully understand yet. However, when symptoms begin to mount, it’s not something you should ignore. When it is a pathogen causing it and if left alone for too long, some advanced infections can present with the following:

  • Fever or hot flashes
  • Occasional or consistent cloudy urine
  • Roaming pain in the legs or back
  • A hard spot or strange deformity on the shaft that sometimes turns into Peyronie’s disease
  • Skin ulcers or lesions
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Etc

Some men suffer for years with zero answers. This is unfortunate, but clearly, the right questions are not being asked. Understand that you cannot address a problem unless you identify the problem, and you will rarely get the right answers if you’re not asking the right questions.

Let me say that my goal in writing this isn’t to cure you. Instead, I want to help you rule out or confirm something affecting many men and that many doctors are unaware of. I also want to allow you to play a much more significant role in your health and healthcare advocacy. REMEMBER: YOU are your biggest advocate. I believe this will be an amazing opportunity to finally play that role for some.

Let me also state emphatically that the information provided herein will not be the answer for everyone and that this article will not be able to cover everything this topic deserves. I’m just trying to give you some ideas to work with. My hope is that enough men will come forward to their doctors and force the change accordingly. That being said, nature is a complex beast, and the things that impact one will not necessarily be the things that impact others. I present this as merely something to consider in your quest for resolution. Please take it for what it’s worth. I am not a medical doctor or lab technician. I’m just a health enthusiast trying to help out the desperate.

Conditions Overview

Genitourinary conditions include conditions such as urethritis (pain of the urethra), orchitis (pain of the testicle), and epididymitis (pain of the coiled tube [epididymis] at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm). It can also include issues of the bladder, the prostate, or anything else that involves the genitals or the urinary system.

Males of any age can get these conditions for any number of reasons. However, many times, such conditions are caused by the spread of a bacterial infection.

Sometimes a simple urinary tract infection can be the cause. In this case, pathogens in the urine travel backward into the system and down into places they wouldn’t normally go (like the epididymis). Sometimes, these infections are due to various viruses or fungi, and sometimes they can be caused by parasites.

When an infection is present, swelling may (but may not always) occur due to the increased circulation of blood. When possible, your doctor should perform an ultrasound of the scrotum to detect this increased circulation in the affected epididymis or tissue and also to rule out testicular torsion and larger parasites.

If bacteria are suspected, then antibiotics are the usual treatment for such conditions. However, and just for an example, the parotitis vaccine for mumps may also be used if a virus is suspected. If using antibiotics, treatment duration will likely be longer than five days due to the male’s anatomy, which often makes treatment difficult. A patient can expect to be on antibiotics for at least three weeks. You may want to explore a second opinion if your doctor recommends anything less.

Other treatment options for parasites and fungi will vary depending on what is found and what is deemed the best action to take. Sometimes, no treatment will be recommended as the body is sometimes more than capable of handling the infection over time. Natural treatment options can be quite effective when this is the case, and some will be covered below.

Let’s Look at the Bugs

The truth is that a lot of different bugs could be causing this. Remember that our bodies are host to thousands of different organisms and species, and if you tested them, you were likely only tested for about five of them. It’s quite possible something was missed, so don’t be shocked that your tests came up negative.


Genitourinary conditions caused by a virus are definitely something to consider. Viruses that can cause such problems include mumps, coxsackie, echovirus, and adenovirus. It should be noted, however, that these are just a few of the many. Additionally, there is still much that is unknown when it comes to the viral transmission of genitourinary conditions, and when it comes to viruses… things change.

The good news is that many viral conditions are treatable or will simply run their course as the body mounts its defense. Remember that your body is an amazing machine that is usually quite capable of fighting off disease.


Genitourinary conditions caused by fungi are somewhat rare. However, they are not to be taken lightly. Some represent life-threatening complications, and such infections are considered invasive. Such infections mainly affect patients who have urinary tract obstruction or instrumentation, immunocompromise (including diabetes), or both.


Acute bacterial infections are usually much easier to identify and treat. However, sometimes, nothing is found, and these turn into chronic conditions. In such cases, there is the possibility of an anaerobic bacterial infection. These are hard to test for using standard tests because the sample can die when exposed to oxygen, or the organism causing the issue is actually a part of the normal flora.

NOTE: Just because a specific pathogenic bacterium is not identified via basic labs does not mean an infection is not present. If obvious signs of infection (such as pain and inflammation) remain, and if exposure to chemicals or injury has been ruled out, then it must be assumed that an infection DOES, in fact, exist.

While rare, sometimes, the normal flora acts in a pathogenic way. So even if the tests did find these bacteria, it’s so rare that these bacteria cause a problem; it is possible that the lab would have more than likely dismissed it anyway. However, reports have shown that bacteria such as lactobacilli can, in fact, cause bacteremia, subacute endocarditis, urinary tract infections, meningitis, chorioamnionitis, endometritis, abscesses, and even dental caries.

Additionally, sometimes bacteria that are not normally found to be a problem in men can be to blame. Examples of this might include organisms such as Corynebacterium pseudogenitalium and Gardnerella vaginalis. While not normal, cases do exist that demonstrate the possibility.

And finally, studies have shown that bacteria that cause upper respiratory infections can infect the urethra and attached systems. If your partner was sick and you engaged in unprotected oral sex, this could also be a potential cause. Unfortunately, most front-line tests will not detect these bugs.

Protozoa / Parasites

A protozoan or parasitic infection should also be considered when standard tests cannot provide a definitive answer, when there is no foul smell, and when antibiotics fail. These infections can sometimes have similar symptoms to bacterial or viral infections but will not respond to standard treatments or tests. Furthermore, they can provide a variety of confusing symptoms.

Be aware that many doctors are not up to speed regarding protozoa and parasitic infections. Most standard tests are simply not looking for parasites. Testing for unknown parasites usually requires highly complex procedures. Due to this complexity, most parasites will be overlooked in the initial testing process. As a result, those infected will likely test negative for disease with standard tests, and doctors are usually not trained up enough to take it to the next level. You may have to ask (or even fight) for it.

Some protozoan infections can last for months or even years. This can definitely account for the seemingly chronic state of the infection. Additionally, parasites such as protozoa are very diverse in regard to gram-positive and gram-negative and both aerobic and anaerobic… only adding to the complexity of testing and treatment.

Parasites can cause a variety of symptoms that are seemingly unrelated to the original infection. Unfortunately, many doctors who are unaware of this and see negative test results in the face of symptoms will encourage their patients to seek mental help or drugs – believing it is simply in their heads. However, suppose appropriate treatment is not achieved over an extended period of time. In that case, cellular hypersensitivity will likely be observed, and even lesions can sometimes appear due to cell-mediated immune response. Not to scare you, but various parasites are known to “dissolve” the host’s tissues. Keep an eye out for this.

Proper Testing and Identification

Culture, nucleic acid hybridization tests, and NAATs are available to detect both N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis. These are often the cause of genitourinary conditions, and these are treated through antimicrobials as prescribed by your doctor. Rapid identification of these organisms is extremely important for successful treatment and to reduce the spread of such infections to sexual partners. These are ALWAYS the best place to start.

However, with so many different organisms, it can be tough to narrow it all down. So, if you have already been tested with some of the standard (cheaper) tests and your condition has still not been identified, but symptoms such as discolored semen, testicle pain, and urethritis continue, then you might want to consider the PEUS Protocol. This protocol was designed specifically to identify organisms causing such genitourinary conditions that go unidentified using standard tests.

This protocol can identify most bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites in one test. The PEUS Protocol is a special process designed to examine both urine and semen and uses metagenomic sequencing to identify the potential pathogen found in the genitals and urinary system. The protocol is likely your best bet if other tests have not provided you with the accurate results you need.

If you still need to identify the organism and are interested in exploring the P.E.U.S. Protocol, then get started by CLICKING HERE. You will be redirected to another page on this website that will explain the process.

Treatment Options

Assuming that you have now identified the organism causing your genitourinary condition, you can now begin your treatment. Treatment depends on the identity of the infecting organism. If it is bacterial, many physicians will elect to treat it with at least two different antimicrobials because individuals are occasionally infected with more than one organism. Viruses are often treated with antiviral medication or left to run their course. Parasites are treated using antiparasitics, and fungi are often treated with antifungals.

Many times, the treatment for genitourinary infections is successful, and the symptoms subside after a few days. Sometimes, however, treatments fail, and acute genitourinary conditions turn into subacute or even chronic.

When genitourinary conditions become chronic, they normally fall into two categories: Non-Infectious and Non-Diagnosed-Infectious. Anti-inflammatory medication is often prescribed for patients with seemingly non-infectious causes (for example, chemical or inflammation). Occasionally, a consultation with a urologist is recommended for additional treatments. Treatment options are sometimes limited but may include things like pain management or surgery. When surgery is the call, we are talking about the removal of infected tissues or organs (IE: removal of the epididymis or even the complete removal of the testicle). That is, of course, unless a resolution is found in the interim. Be aware that there are reports that suggest that surgery did not fix the problem in about a quarter of all men who underwent a procedure.

The problem with many genitourinary conditions from a mainstream medicine perspective is that relapse and prolonged pain and discomfort are the norms. However, from what I have read, when this happens, it is likely due to improper diagnosis and treatment. The likelihood of this outcome can be dramatically reduced by properly identifying the offending organism.

Then, there are natural treatments. Many natural remedies are great to use in conjunction with your prescribed medications. In some cases, natural remedies may be all that you will need. Be sure to ask your doctor about potential interactions and complications. Be aware that natural remedies, while often effective, can be quite dangerous in inexperienced hands. Natural does not mean safe.

Finally, understand that any medicine or remedy will likely be ineffective if the organism is not impacted by it. This is why proper identification is so important. Antibiotics do not impact viruses, and antibiotics are largely ineffective against fungi. In fact, some antibiotics will not work on specific types of bacteria. The same is said for natural remedies.


NOTE: If your initial treatment fails or failed, you need to see your physician for the exploration of alternative courses of treatment or testing. Your best bet is to try and find an answer before it turns into a chronic condition.

Natural Treatment Options

The natural way can be a much longer process and can sometimes help with current mainstream regimens. Logic dictates that if we could just turn our defense systems back on, perhaps we could win. In order to do this, we need to turn up and equalize the seminal plasma lipid peroxide levels while at the same time reducing inflammation in order to allow excretion. By doing so, we may be able to turn the natural defenses back on and fix the problem (at least in theory – but note that people have responded to this).

We need to turn to one of my heroes when it comes to medicine. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once said: “Let medicine be thy food, and let food be thy medicine.” I love supplementation. Just note, however, that what follows are general suggestions. Specific cases might require or respond well to supplements not provided.

Potential Solutions

Berberine – This one seems to be a powerhouse and can potentially work on bacteria, fungus, and protozoa – but usually the types not affected by other means. While this suggestion will not work in all cases, I have found several studies now that demonstrate that berberine might be an effective agent for many related conditions. I am particularly interested in the fact that Berberine has also been effective in the treatment of anaerobic bacterial and protozoan infections. In fact, the studies that I have reviewed show berberine and metronidazole as comparable in many cases, and they provide similar results. Even better, even if it doesn’t provide resolution for you, it will have a variety of positive impacts on your body and immune system. Also, you probably don’t take it with NAC, as I have seen some compelling evidence to suggest that NAC will offset berberine and render it useless for this application.

Yarrow – Yarrow has a direct impact on the urinary system. This one is critical if you suspect that you’re dealing with a bacterial infection. Thankfully, it’s also easy to come by and relatively inexpensive. I have written an article on this that I would encourage you to read – located here.

Vitamin D3 – As we have already read, antibiotics are often really not needed. So, I begin with vitamins. Vitamin D3 is important because we now know that the body produces its own internal antibiotic to help defend itself against infections, at least when it is provided with sufficient amounts of vitamin D3. In other words, vitamin D3 is known to boost the innate immune system to combat pathogenic infections in vitro, essentially allowing the body to make its own natural antibiotic. This is great because the body attacks the infection at the point of inflammation and from the inside. The ‘antibiotic’ effect of vitamin D3 appears to be turned on by the induction of the human antimicrobial peptide genes – to the tune of somewhere between 200 and 300 different types. Essentially, vitamin D3 is critical for “flipping the defense switch back on.” It should be noted that high levels of D3 may be necessary, and this should be taken along with Vitamin K2 for safety. Something else to know is that D3’s bioavailability depends on magnesium.

Vitamin C – A multivitamin is important, of course, but ensuring a decent amount of vitamin C is vital. According to Dr. Gary Gordon, “The right dose of Vitamin C will stop every infection in its tracks without needing to use antibiotics.” Of course, quality and timing are factors, but therapeutic doses of vitamin C are critical and at much higher doses than the recommended doses provided by the government. Dr. Linus Pauling noted that “vitamin C is a critically important water-soluble antioxidant, as it protects proteins and lipids from free radical damage associated with infection, intensive exercise, and other stressors that can injure cells.

It seems simple enough, but when we look at the research, we find a lot of hope. Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University reported they had discovered that vitamin C could kill bacteria, including drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) bacteria, a known cause of chronic infectious epididymitis. David Brownstein, M.D., says, “Vitamin C fell out of favor when antibiotics came in, but this study shows the potential of using vitamin C to kill infection.” Dr. Brownstein generally recommends 3,000-5,000 mg a day of supplemental vitamin C to maintain good health.

Magnesium (glycinate or chloride) – Magnesium deficiency is a problem for many males. Only recently has it become clear just how big of a problem it might be. We have known for quite some time that a higher intake of magnesium can reverse calcification damage and inflammation. This is important to know for those suffering from prostate calcifications and pain. While magnesium and zinc are both found in the prostate in high concentrations and released into seminal fluid and while we know that deficiencies in either can lead to disorders in male fertility, we have only recently begun to discover that magnesium plays a much larger role in the antimicrobial activity of semen than previously believed. In fact, studies are beginning to show that low magnesium concentrations in seminal plasma are associated with chronic prostatitis and infection of the accessory genital glands. Conversely, magnesium sufficiency is associated with overall better genital health.

Indeed, magnesium has a unique healing power for acute viral and bacterial diseases, and some doctors suggest that its benefits are drastically understated. Dr. Raul Vergini, M.D. once wrote that a few grams of magnesium every few hours would clear nearly all acute illnesses. However, it might be the missing piece of the puzzle for men dealing with an undiagnosed genitourinary condition. Just know that it can take months to reach sufficiency. Slow and steady wins the magnesium race.

Iodine – Next is salt and iodine. In the face of ever increasingly strong superbugs that are resistant to all antibiotics, and according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, taking properly prescribed medical drugs was listed as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. (and this includes antibiotics), I have decided that iodine should be used in this protocol as well (if you are not allergic of course).

Iodine exhibits antibiotic activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses. In fact, iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses, and protozoa. This is a good choice because all excess iodine is excreted through the urogenital organs, and according to Dr. David Derry, “Iodine is by far the best antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic of all time.” From my research, iodine actually boosts the immune system rather than suppressing it like many drugs and helps to clean out the urogenital tract.

Lipo GSH – You might also consider liposomal glutathione or (GSH). This is an antioxidant present in nearly all cells and is recognized for its function in maintaining overall health. It has been clearly and repeatedly documented that there is a direct link between lower levels of GSH and dysregulation of essential T-cell-associated cytokines. It has been repeatedly documented that supplementing with liposomal GSH has resulted in the prevention of infection. This is due to a significant increase in the levels of TH1 cytokines and a substantial decrease in the levels of free radicals and immunosuppressive cytokines. It has also been shown that such supplementation has improved the function of immune cells that control infection. So basically, there is a direct correlation between low levels of GSH and increased susceptibility to infection, which can be relieved with liposomal GSH supplementation. The limitation of this supplement is absorption. It seems you’re just not going to get everything you ingest.

NAC – (N-acetyl cysteine) – N-acetylcysteine is well recognized as an antioxidant and precursor to glutathione – meaning that it helps set the stage to make the glutathione that you need. That’s an awesome start. Another issue you might be dealing with is something known as biofilms. These biofilms actually help hide infections from your immune system. If you’re dealing with a biofilm issue, we will need to break them up before you can heal. Not to worry. According to a study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, NAC is an adjuvant molecule in the treatment of bacterial biofilms, with an excellent safety and efficacy profile. NAC, in combination with different antibiotics, significantly promoted their permeability to the deepest layers of the biofilm, overcoming the problem of resistance to the classic antibacterial therapeutic approach. This was actually just one study out of quite a few that I came across. But it turns out that this stuff can do so much more! It also improves male fertility by improving sperm quality, reducing tissue inflammation, and reducing the risk of leaky gut, and so on. I’ve personally used this stuff for a variety of different ailments to great effect. Many have reported success when using doses ranging from 1600 mg a day to as high as 1600 mg twice a day.

Lumbrokinase – This heavy-hitter shouldn’t be overlooked and should likely be included in your stack as well. This is actually an enzyme sourced from earthworms. The process of making this is extensive so it can get pricey, though. SHOP AROUND! When you research, you will likely come across its amazing benefits in regard to blood clots, but keep an eye out for the amazing benefits of breaking down biofilms and boosting blood flow to your tissues. Those are both amazing benefits in regard to this particular condition, but get this, according to Lyme expert Dr. Marty Ross, integrative medicine specialist and founder of The Healing Arts Partnership in Seattle, lumbrokinase actually promotes the delivery of supplements and prescription medication deep into your tissues. That’s the reason I included it in this stack.

Mucuna Pruriens – It took some digging to find this answer, but as it turns out, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (U.S. National Library of Medicine) has confirmed that mucuna pruriens (an herb), not only reactivates the anti-oxidant defense system, but it also helps in the management of stress and ameliorates seminal plasma lipid peroxide levels. It basically cleans up the seminal storage area, IE: the epididymis and seminal vesicles. Saw Palmetto might also be good because of its effect on the prostate.

Garlic – Garlic cannot be overlooked. You could eat the bulbs, but this is unreliable, and not something most will stick to… and a regular Garlic supplement will simply not do. You need to find Allicin-containing Garlic supplements. In fact, I would recommend either fresh garlic, an extract of fresh garlic, or simply fresh freeze-dried. There are several different types on the market, but know that the higher the Allicin content, the better. You will more than likely need to take double the recommended dose of Allicin powder capsules and stay on this increased dose for at least three months – even if you start to feel better soon. Do not let up.

Zinc – Even a minor zinc deficiency can bring about impaired immune function. The problem here is that most doctors will measure plasma or serum zinc levels, and these do not show cellular zinc status – which is what really counts. Regardless, when your levels are low, your defenses are reduced. Especially in men over 40, having a lack of zinc can wreak havoc on sexual organs specifically. It can reduce testosterone, cause E.D., and plenty of other issues. For example, it has been shown that one of the main stores of zinc is in the prostate and that a healthy prostate contains lots of zinc compared to an inflamed prostate – which has little. Studies have also shown that zinc deficiency can create issues in the testes and epididymis (likely due to increased catalase activity). Furthermore, we have seen that men with infections have significantly lower levels of zinc in seminal plasma. See where I’m going? Zinc is vital for a man’s health. The problem here is that your body doesn’t make its own supply of zinc, so it has to be consumed through diet. If your diet is trash, if you have a hard time with digestion, or if you avoid things like oysters, you run the risk of being deficient. Something else to consider is that the older you get, the greater your risk. To be clear, zinc deficiency is common in the elderly. If you’re sexually active on top of any of what I have provided so far, you could be creating a deficit because you can lose as much as 15mg of zinc per ejaculation.

So, ensure that you’re getting enough zinc. If you supplement with it, make sure you’re getting plenty of copper as well. Don’t get the cheap stuff, either. Zinc is hard to absorb. Spring for zinc picolinate with copper if you can, or a zinc amino acid chelate. 40 mg of zinc daily seems to be the recommended dose to avoid side effects or toxicity, but do your own research here or talk to your doctor because people who are deficient likely need more for a period of time.

Autophagy – I’m going to add this here for the principle of the matter. Autophagy is actually a cellular process that kills old cells and makes new ones, but it has also been shown to combat infection with various pathogens. While it is true that some intracellular bacteria exploit autophagy to promote pathogenesis, those are likely not what we are dealing with here. I’ll let you do your own research on this, but I wanted to bring it to your attention because this is a free way to heal yourself of quite a few different ailments, and I think more people need to know about it.


This will require a completely different approach if you have been diagnosed with a parasite (genitourinary condition or something else). Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions and visit my page regarding parasite treatments.

Don’t Give Up!

I want to part with some advice to ease your anxiety. Again, your body is an amazing machine. The hard part for most is having faith in the idea that your body can do the job without a doctor. But take heart, according to Dr. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., who is an infectious disease expert, “the immune system clears most infections over time, without treatment.” It should be noted, however, that this process can take weeks, months, or even years. I would simply add that the body can do a much better job and reduce the time needed to heal substantially if you provide the body with the various tools it requires. Stay healthy, get sun, laugh with friends, stay active, and eat nutritious foods.


I would try one or two out at a time. Keep in mind that I’m merely providing links and suggestions to consider (the links below are sources for these supplements if you decide to try them). 

NOTE: If your digestion is not well, a few supplements will help. Proper digestion must come first. You may want to consider “HCL” if this sounds like you.

Berberine – 500 mg three times daily for up to 12 weeks.

Yarrow – Taken as directed on the bottle

Vitamin D3 – between 10,000 to 30,000 IU (depending on body weight), split into three doses daily

Vitamin K2 – at least 200 mcg per day (preferably split with D3)

Liposomal GSH – As directed – or you can make your own – at least twice a day before meals.
Magneisum Chloride – (either solution or pill) take as directed.

Vitamin C – no less than 3-5000 mgs mid-day – but I would recommend much higher.
Mucuna pruriens – two capsules twice a day

Zinc with Copper – take as directed.

Iodine – take this away from the Vitamin C and take only as directed.

NAC – some take amounts as high as 1600 mg twice daily but instructions may vary on the bottle.

Lumbrokinase – As directed on the bottle.

Garlic – consume with meals and take for extended periods of time.

Colloidal Silver: If you decide to take colloidal silver, it is generally accepted that it can be taken as one ounce during a twenty-four hour period. This is the “therapeutic” colloidal silver dosage and is considered safe as long as it is not taken for extended periods of time. Small amounts taken daily as a tonic will give what some call a second immune system but this amount tends to be about one teaspoon and taken separate from meals. If you would like more specific information, Dr. Mercola has a decent article about it here.

Cryptolepis – I’m still looking into this one but we have seen some pretty good results in those who have tried it. While it is still considered hit and miss, it might be worth looking into and trying.

NOTE: I am currently researching other options and developing protocols. Keep checking the website for more updates.

My advice when it comes to supplements (if you don’t have an allergy to them) is that when you try something, try it for no less than 30 days unless you experience side effects and/or unless directed otherwise by your doctor. You may begin to feel better in many ways within the first week or two, but continue on for at least the full 30 days to ensure that the treatment was a success and that your genitourinary issue is resolved.

Remember that recovering from a genitourinary condition (regardless of allopathic or naturopathic means) can take weeks if not months. If things are getting worse or simply not improving at any time, you should go back to your physician or specialist because there may be an underlying condition that needs to be addressed.

Again… these ideas may not be a cure for everyone, but I provide a variety of options and considerations in the hope it helps at least relieve some of your pain and discomfort or provides a few ideas regarding direction moving forward. Getting the body back to where it needs to be can be a long road for sure, but just keep at it. You will get there.

Good luck!

This article was updated on 08/21/2022

Dr. Robertson is a health researcher and educator, not a physician. The information provided here is not medical advice, a professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or service to you or any other individual. The information provided is for educational and anecdotal purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care. You should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation, or the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers. Dr. Robertson is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or additional information, services, or product you obtain or utilize. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN.

KEYWORDS: genitourinary, genitals, epididymitis, natural, remedies, orchitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urology, urine, semen, sperm.
