Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Natural Pink Eye Conjunctivitis Remedies


What Is Pink Eye?

Pink Eye is also known as conjunctivitis. Pink Eye is inflammation or an infection of the eyeball or the inner eyelid. Marked by red or bloodshot eyes, itching, tearing, and sometimes discharge or crusting, the condition can be caused by allergies or bacterial or viral infection.

NOTE: It is essential to avoid wearing contact lenses while you are affected by this condition. Additionally, if you wear glasses, wipe them down with alcohol throughout the day until the condition resolves.

Allergic Pink Eye

Allergic Pink Eye often resolves on its own, but treatment can help to speed up the recovery process. The best treatment is to avoid the source of the allergic reaction. It is said that pink eye will continue as long as you are in contact with the cause. However, if avoidance is not immediately possible, the primary treatment will be antihistamines. Over-the-counter eye drops or a simple saline drop will also help.

NOTE: Allergic Pink Eye is not contagious.

Viral Pink Eye

Viral Pink Eye is like having a common cold in the eye. Most websites and medical professionals will tell you that no drops or ointments can treat viral conjunctivitis. They will suggest that, like most common infections, the virus must run its course and that it can take a couple of weeks to resolve.

It is true that the virus must run its course and that there are currently no over-the-counter treatment options. It is also true that it will go away on its own in a week or two. However, it is likely untrue that there is nothing that you can do to speed that process up.

First, understand that prescription antiviral drops can be used in some cases. Second, note that viral conjunctivitis has a particular set of symptoms. Before trying any alternative or natural remedy, ensure you are dealing with a virus. If you have questions or are uncertain, please visit your doctor. However, understanding the symptoms might help.

Symptoms of viral pink eye include intense redness of the eye, a burning or gritty discomfort of the eye, watery discharge, and swollen eyelids. Additional symptoms may be sore throat, runny nose, and other common cold symptoms, including fever.

If you believe that you have viral pink eye, the things you can do include keeping hydrated; avoiding alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated sodas; getting plenty of rest; sipping warm liquids such as chicken soup and green tea; and feel free to add local or manuka honey. You could also try standard supplements. Some studies have found that taking vitamin C, echinacea, and zinc might shorten a cold’s duration. Most of these studies suggest that taking such supplements on the onset of symptoms is your best bet for speeding up the process.

Understand that it would likely be impossible without extensive and expensive testing to know the exact virus causing the issue. However, generally speaking, RNA viruses are often associated with conjunctivitis. Understanding this does present some additional options to consider.

Possible Remedies

Berberine HCL, an alkaloid compound found in several different plants and available for purchase in most health food stores, has repeatedly been shown in studies to inhibit virus protein trafficking/maturation and virus growth of various problematic viruses. Furthermore, studies have also demonstrated that berberine supports the immune response, which aids in viral clearance.

NOTE: When seeking natural alternatives for this condition, your research should seek out the various supplements with clinical evidence pointing to the inhibition of viral replication. For example, another one to consider might be NAC. NAC, the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine, has been shown to inhibit the replication of various viruses, including the RNA virus influenza A.

You can also use Magic Drops to help clear the infection. I will talk about this in the next section. While I will be moving on to the bacterial portion, know that I provide a solution there that you might also want to consider. Please keep reading if you feel you have a viral infection. Thank you.

Bacterial Pink Eye

Bacteria cause bacterial conjunctivitis. It is often caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumonia, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, one should note that gonorrhea and chlamydia have been known to cause it. The thing to understand here is that various bacteria can cause it, so knowing the source is not always possible.  

NOTE: Bacterial pink eye can be very contagious. Clothing and bedding should be quarantined and washed immediately after use, and hands, eyes, and face should be washed numerous times throughout the day until the condition resolves.

Symptoms include trouble seeing, sensitivity to light, achiness, and the production of thicker pus or mucus, and usually, symptoms continue to worsen.

Remember that most cases of pink eye will go away on their own in a week or two. However, bacterial infections are nothing to play around with, so the sooner you address this problem, the better off you will be. Also, note that just because most cases go away on their own does not mean all cases go away on their own.

Your family practitioner or ophthalmologist might recommend you take antibiotic drops. However, if seeing a doctor is not an option, or you want to start working on it immediately, there are a couple of recommendations that get you started on resolving your condition.

Possible Remedies

First, avoid red-reducing eye drops because they can make your symptoms worse. Second, practice good hygiene by washing your hands regularly and washing your face and eyes at least a couple of times a day. Third, take antimicrobial supplements and support your immune system. Fourth, make yourself some Magic Drops. Of course, it’s not magic; it’s highly scientific. But you’ll think it’s magic!

The supplement I often suggest for many ailments is Berberine HCL because studies repeatedly demonstrate that berberine can help fight harmful microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. For our purposes here, understand that it can inhibit the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Above and beyond that, berberine demonstrates impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. If it were me, I would take berberine HCL and the Magic Drops. So, let’s talk about that.

What You Will Need for Magic Drops

  1. A 1 oz. Bottle/Dropper
  2. Sterile Saline Solution
  3. Povidone Iodine
  4. George’s Aloe Vera Liquid (optional)


NOTE: If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not use them!

NOTE: Mix in a clean (dust, mold, etc., and pet-free) room and use clean tools.

(Optional) Fill the one-ounce bottle/dropper with one part George’s Aloe Vera Liquid and two parts sterile saline solution.

If only using saline, just add the saline solution.

Then, add three to four drops of 10% povidone-iodine. Shake well before each application. Apply two Magic Drops into both eyes four to six times a day. Use the solution for several days, even after the resolution is achieved (you do not want it coming back). Discontinue use if your doctor instructs you to and replaces this protocol with antibiotic drops.

NOTE: This solution will start off weak. However, over time, you can (and should) add more iodine drops to the solution. Adding over time allows you to get used to the solution and ensure you’re not adding too much at once. I would recommend increasing the amount of iodine very slowly at a rate of only two or three drops per trial. Tolerances vary, but we want to avoid stinging.

Why It Works

Saline is a lot like natural tears. This is always a great place to start, and that is why I am choosing it as the base. Basically, the saline will help soothe irritation, stinging, redness, inflammation, and discomfort caused by dust particles, air pollutants, and loose foreign material.

Using aloe juice (NOT GEL) is a somewhat new idea for eye drops. However, I suggest George’s Aloe Liquid (no substitutions) because it is fractionally distilled from Aloe Vera leaves. Hence, it’s a lot like water with additional benefits. Furthermore, the antagonistic compounds of aloe that irritate our tissue have been removed. Granted, more research needs to be done on aloe vera juice in eyedrops before the mainstream will consider it “safe,” but I use this recipe myself to great effect. I love how fast it works, and I love how good my eyes feel when they are irritated, and then I use this remedy.

Iodine is a great agent for this condition. In fact, 10% iodine can kill roughly 90% of most bacteria within 15-30 seconds. Furthermore, studies have shown that even a weak povidone-iodine solution (Povidone-iodine 1.25% ophthalmic solution) is as effective as neomycin-polymyxin B-gramicidin for treating bacterial conjunctivitis. Current studies are finding similar results with various types of viruses as well.

Hence, this is a great option to consider regardless of which type of conjunctivitis we might be dealing with. Because while it is substantially weaker than 10% iodine, it will not sting or stain the eye while still helping to fight the infection. Many I have worked with have reported full resolution using Magic Drops of various strengths. Plus, with the addition of oral Berberine HCL, pathogens may weaken, allowing your body to mount an even stronger defense.

Product Suggestions

Amazon Affiliate Links Provided for Demonstration Purposes

Other General Guides to Consider

  • Change pillowcases and sheets every day.
  • Use a fresh towel every day.
  • Wash your hands often, especially after you touch your eyes.
  • Don’t wear your contact lenses until your eyes are back to normal.
  • Don’t share anything that touches your eyes.

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Magic Drops is a proprietary pink eye solution.

The use of the Magic Drops recipe and process in print is permitted with proper citation.

  • On Material: Inventor: David Robertson at
  • In Text: (Robertson, 2021)
  • Bibliography: Robertson, D. (2021). Natural Pink Eye Conjunctivitis Remedies. [online] DMR Publications. Available at: [Accessed Date].
  • Link To:

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Dr. Robertson is a health researcher and educator, not a physician. The information provided here is not medical advice, a professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or service to you or any other individual. The information provided is for educational and anecdotal purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care. You should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation, or the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers. Dr. Robertson is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or additional information, services, or product you obtain or utilize. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN.
