Blanchard – Five Change Leadership Strategies

In his book Leading at a Higher Level, Dr. Ken Blanchard suggests that change is like “permanent whitewater (Blanchard, 2018, p. 209).” I agree. In other words, change is constant and sometimes hard to handle. Unfortunately, people tend to resist change because they are drawn toward consistency (Mounsher, 2017). Perhaps this is another clue as […]

Effective Content Formats for Learning Online

In the field of education and content delivery, finding the most effective ways to engage and educate online learners is an ongoing challenge. With a wide range of options and rapidly evolving technology, there’s much debate, yet research does provide some clarity. Given these dynamics, it’s crucial for educators to stay flexible, informed, and proactive. […]

Desulfovibrio and Parkinson’s: Misleading Connection?

I’m not entirely sure who my audience is on this one, but a reader recently forwarded an article suggesting that Parkinson’s disease could (potentially) be preventable, citing scientists’ discovery that a specific strain of gut bacteria, Desulfovibrio, may be a primary cause. It’s a fascinating idea, and it definitely got my inner Health Science Nerd […]

How to Spot and Stop AI-Generated Frauds

Artificial intelligence can be an amazing tool and used for a lot of great things. However, there is a darker side that we should be aware of. Now, I know quite a bit about the various scams and tactics resulting in millions of dollars being stolen yearly. Well, I almost fell for a highly sophisticated […]

Leaders Are Not Managers

Despite decades of research and countless books and articles written on the differences between management and leadership, confusion persists between these two critical roles in organizations. I’ll be blunt. Leaders are not managers. Or better said, Leadership is not management. This confusion is a critical issue, as it can lead to misunderstandings, misaligned expectations, and […]

Manipulating Chaos for Political Gain

The challenge of overlooking history lies in the risk of failing to discern the recurring patterns that it reveals. I have provided several articles on this phenomenon over the years, but there is another pattern that we should probably discuss. It is a pattern of tyrants and authoritarians and how they manipulate chaos for political […]

Rethinking the Worthlessness of Multivitamins

I need to vent about something. I recently stumbled upon an article that looked at daily multivitamins and supplements, claiming they might be unnecessary for most folks. While a registered dietician wrote the article, I’m afraid I have to fundamentally disagree. Here are a few reasons why I think the article missed the mark and […]

Neglecting New Educators Neglects the Future

In many ways, academia is shooting itself in the foot. Neglecting new educators neglects the future. It’s that simple. Frankly, it is alarming how many highly educated professionals (with real-world experience) are denied an opportunity to teach in higher education due to a lack of classroom experience. However, it does not appear as though many […]

Shoulder Impingement Won’t Go Away

Are you or someone you know struggling with a nagging shoulder impingement that just won’t go away? Have you tried the exercises but found that your condition hasn’t improved or has even worsened? If so, it’s time to dig into the root causes. Let’s start by talking about the known causes of impingement. If you […]

Strategic Leadership in a Nutshell

Let’s discuss the complex topic of strategic leadership and break it down into simple terms for easy understanding. Many times, the complexity of Strategic Leadership is underappreciated. This is a mistake because it is not as simple as some have tried to make it out to be. However, the individual steps can be broken down […]