Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Fluoride the Neurotoxin

Never mind what conspiracy theorists have been saying for what seems to be forever; let us focus on facts. For those who have been following my work for a long time, you already know my position. Now, I know some of you didn’t want to believe me when I told you that fluoride was not […]

Walmart and the Necessary Change

Abstract Economic issues have presented plenty of problems for all types of organizations in our country, especially retail businesses. While not invincible, Walmart appears to have a leg up regarding survivability. This survivability seems ingrained into the company culture, which has existed since the beginning. This paper explores Walmart’s ever-expanding role regarding its survival when […]

John Nash – Beautiful Mind

In Ron Howard’s 2001 American biographical film “A Beautiful Mind” about Dr. John Nash, the main character share a vision of overcoming hardship to achieve greatness. These characters are motivated to make changes to turn this vision into reality. Immediately… it would be best if you recognized that it was the motivation that promoted action. […]

Unlawful Detainment or Arrest

What is unlawful anyway? Is it merely perspective? It was shaping up to be a lovely evening. Fit as any for a pleasant stroll around the block. In need of a couple of items, a man decided to walk to his local grocery store. Thanks to the media, the entire nation was on edge over […]

Saving Money – Save over $1300 the Easy Way

I came across a pretty novel idea recently when it comes to saving money the easy way. Well, it came across my Facebook feed, and I looked at it. Now, I’m taking it, improving it, and sharing it with you. Regardless, the idea is pretty simple and has the correct premise overall. It’s called the […]

FDR – Will Live In Infamy

FDR is the one that will likely live in infamy. Today is December 7th. Let me take a second to rant about the events that occurred 72 years ago. By the way, the 72-year point will be crucial for some of you doing research later on. Anyway, I present this not as a historical fact […]

A Manager Versus a Leader

Manager versus Leader. Many assume they are the same. Is there a difference between the two? A challenging task for most would be attempting to define or delineate the difference between a Manager and a Leader. I must admit that at one time, I, too, found myself perplexed at the notion that there was a […]

Expert Testifies About the Right to Overthrow Government

Expert testifies about the right to overthrow the government? Sitting before a congressional committee, Michael Cannon (the Director of Health Policy Studies at the Cato Institute) hesitantly stated, “There is one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the constitution places on the government. Abraham […]

Terrorist Birth Houses on American Soil?

A confidential source, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity, has provided some shocking information that needs to be heard. In a small town on the East Coast, a local government worker has discovered something utterly disturbing. There are supposed birth houses starting to spring up once again in the United States. Our confidential […]

Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership Positions – Simple Truths Recently I was asked why I think there are more males than females in leadership positions in today’s business world. Then I was asked what I thought I could do to contribute to the “improvement” of the situation. Unfortunately, as a leadership professional, I know the truth behind […]