In leadership, the ability to make informed decisions is crucial, as the repercussions of those decisions can ripple across generations. The ongoing challenges in the Middle East are a great example of what happens when leaders act without fully understanding the complexities of the situations they face. I would argue that the turmoil in this […]
History often appears to unfold in repeating patterns, cycles marked by economic upheavals, transformative wars, and relative calm and growth periods. By analyzing these cycles with the help of AI-driven technology, we can refine and validate these patterns, providing a framework for understanding the past and predicting the future. This article delves into historical cycles […]
Let’s discuss the popular misconception regarding Native American origins. We have all heard the narrative about how the United States was built on genocide and slavery and how Native Americans were the original Founding Fathers. What if I told you that these statements are absolutely, totally, and utterly false? What if I told you that […]
White Slavery? Many have never heard of such a thing. This is one history lesson you will not get in most schools today. Of course, this will not discuss the hundreds of thousands of slaves that exist today in the United States. If you are interested in learning more about that, you can review this […]
We need to talk about slavery because the people of this nation have been lied to. To start this conversation, we need some context and contrast. Let us begin with something simple. You have probably heard the following: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed […]
Online versus traditional education. Which is best? I have seen many debates over this. However, the truth might just surprise you. First, let’s examine the word “education.” Education is really just an enlightening experience through the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction on a given subject (Education, 2020). It boils down to transferring information […]
The following will be written in a somewhat historical style. Not for deliberate complication but for eliminating the plebs of which I speak. These plebs are likely unwilling to decipher the metaphors and contexts due largely to their inability to do so. If I could have written this in cursive, I would have easily solved […]
NOTE: This model has been updated and refined to provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of historical cycles. While the original 61-10-10 model (below) offered valuable insights, its highly restrictive framework and date-related discrepancies led to limitations in predictive value. This has been corrected. With the help of AI-driven analysis, the model has been […]
Let’s talk about the Civil War for a bit. Have you seen PragerU’s video featuring Col. Ty Seidule? If not, you should watch it before you read this. Now, Col. Seidule is a history professor at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. That’s impressive and let me start by saying that I have a […]
Glimpse the future. It is now 2016, and you might have heard by now that we are beginning to (or will soon) enter the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” If you haven’t heard this, then now you’re in the know. It is underway, and the world is very excited about it. You need to understand that this […]